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Murrays Bay Primary School Vision



To unlock the uniqueness and potential in every student through an innovative and engaging curriculum

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Hero – Parent Portal

Hero is a powerful and secure online sharing platform. We have moved to this platform as it provides timely information and data specifically relating to your child and their learning. Hero will replace our traditional newsletters and Seesaw messaging. This will bring all school communications into a single app. We know how busy working families are and that you want to get timely information so we see this as a perfect solution.

We plan to build the content over time and you will see it grow and the value of the app.


With Hero, you have the ability to:

read and comment on posts relating to your child’s learning

read and comment on school notices sent to the class or groups your child is part of

respond to school notices such as surveys and trip permission requests

view school term dates

view a school calendar of events

notify the school if your child is absent or late

navigate to other school-related webpages

customise your account by adding a profile image

select how you wish to receive notifications

You can view this on your desktop or download the app to your phone from the your App Store.

School Times:

Students are not to be dropped off at school before 8:15am.

   Bell rings – 
Children may go inside to hang up bags and then go outside to play.
8:55am – School Day Starts
10:50am – Morning Tea Eating (whole school)
11:00am – Morning Tea Play (whole school)
11:20am – Middle Block
Year 1, 2 & 3

1:00pm – 1:10pm       Lunch eating in class (supervised)
1:10pm – 1:50pm        Lunch Play

Year 4, 5 & 6
12:30pm – 1:10pm      Lunch Play
1:10pm – 1:20pm        Lunch eating in class (supervised)


3:00pm – School Day Ends


We also have a number who are not collected until quite late in the afternoon. For the safety of these children we will be delivering them to Carekids, our on site before and after school care facility.
When this occurs, Carekids will charge parents on a casual basis.
 The safety of your unsupervised children on school grounds outside of school times is paramount to us.

Term Dates 2024

01 February – Meet the Teacher Interviews

Term 1 – 01 February – 12 April

Term 2 – 29 April – 05 July

Term 3 – 22 July – 27 September

Term 4 – 14 October – 17 December


Teacher Only Days – Kahui Ako Mid Bay MOE Days

04 June
15 November


Public Holidays 2024
29 January – Auckland Anniversary Day
06 February – Waitangi Day
01 April – Easter Monday
02 April – Easter Tuesday
25 April – ANZAC
03 June – King’s Birthday
28 June – Matariki
23 October – Labour Day

Term Dates 2025

03 February – Meet the Teacher Interviews

Term 1 – 03 February – 11 April

Term 2 – 28 April – 27 June

Term 3 – 14 July – 19 September

Term 4 – 06 October – 18 December


Teacher Only Days 

To be confirmed


Public Holidays 2025

27 January – Auckland Anniversary Day
06 February – Waitangi Day
18 April – Good Friday
21 April – Easter Monday
25 April – ANZAC
02 June – King’s Birthday
27 October – Labour Day


For further information about school dates, please visit the NZ Education Website Here

Internet Banking is our preferred method of payment.


Our bank account details are:

ASB Constellation Drive Branch

Account No. 12 3042 0251645 00


Please note that we require a reference on all internet payments.

Examples of a reference would be:

“Jones Fees”, “Jones Y4 Miniball”, “Jones Readathon”



We are regularly asked to make recommendations on devices, unfortunately we are unable to do this. All devices have their pros and cons and you will need to decide which one suits the needs of you and your child/ren. However, we are able to outline a list of specifications that should be considered when making this decision.

We have listed this information below:

● A device that has a keyboard.

● A device that is a well known brand.

● Avoid a cheaper  processor (has limited working cache memory so cannot do multiple things at once).

● 4GB RAM minimum. We use Google applications which are cloud based, but good memory means the device responds faster with other applications.

● A device that is portable and holds its charge (portable battery chargers are an option so that when a device runs out of battery, students can charge them. Then they just need to charge their portable battery each night.

● Preferably a device that is less than two years old.

● A device that has installed a tracking application where possible, in case the device gets lost.



1. Has the school made any enquiries with computer companies to bulk order devices at a cheaper rate than current retail?

Noel Leeming has a deal with schools that they will charge “Cost plus 10%” if you state the school your child attends / will attend.  This does not usually apply to Apple products and we recommend that you shop around for the best deal at the time.

2. Can you please advise how the school will ensure that children will not be disadvantaged if parents are unwilling to or unable to purchase a device? Will the school be able to ensure enough devices if a significant number of children across each year are without a device?

The School will provide devices for loan in these situations.

3. I would be interested to know how much time per day the students would spend on their devices?

The teacher will let the student know when it’s okay to use their device. There will be times when it is not appropriate, or when it is not needed for that particular piece of learning.

The teacher has the final say over the use of student devices in the classroom.


It is very IMPORTANT that parents record the serial number of all devices they allow to be used at school. If the device is stolen at school the serial number is vital to establish a police incident report to establish parents insurance claim.

It is also important to note that your personal insurance would cover any damage or loss of a device – not the school’s insurance.  While we go to every endeavour to locate any device that goes missing or investigate damage, it is the child’s responsibility to take care of their device.




Suggested Websites:

Ministry of Health Wifi Safety Information
Netsafe NZ
Common Sense Media
Touch Typing 

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